Abuse Complaints
How and where can I submit abuse complaints?
Some domains and websites have a habit of spamming you. You should immediately report the issue to the email service provider that they are using to send the spam emails. You can also look for the IP address that was used to send the email and report it.
Spam: If you are an amateur in the field and are not sure about how to proceed or do not know how to read the email headers, you can contact us by submitting a ticket to the Abuse department. We will help you look into the matter in every way possible.
However, in case the domain or website is using a third-party email service, we cannot help you since we do not have access to their servers. That way, we cannot check their server logs to know or confirm the abuse.
When you are reporting a spam domain or email, please ensure that you are providing the full text of the email as well.
Phishing: We are all aware of that one fake website which looks disturbingly real but is actually not genuine. These fake websites are just an attempt to gain the sensitive information of the users, including their usernames, passwords, and card details. You must report any such phishing activity by submitting a ticket to the Domains – Abuse department.
While submitting the ticket, ensure that you attach a screenshot of the website and add details about the target of the attack to facilitate the investigation in the right direction.
Copyright infringement: If you come across any website that has content that you have the exclusive rights to, you will need to submit a DMCA-compatible notice to the Domains – Abuse department.
You should ensure that your ticket follows all the requirements that are mentioned here for the DMCA.
Another thing that can be done in such a situation is to contact the owner of the domain directly. You can find out the email of the domain owner by using any Whois tool. In case the details are hidden, you can send the email to the protected email address, and it will automatically be forwarded to the domain holder.
Fraud Scheme: When you find yourself as the victim of an internet crime, or if you are aware of an attempted crime onto someone else, you can file a complaint through the Internet Crime Complaint Center at https://complaint.ic3.gov.
You can also contact your lawyer(s) or the local authorities in order get the issue resolved in a systematic manner. Our team will show full cooperation in the investigation.
Child pornography: Child pornography issues which require the immediate call to action. If you find any issue with a domain registered with us that is distributing child pornography, please submit a ticket to Domains – Abuse department.
Malware: Malware issues are always investigated by the company that provides the hosting services to the domain holder. In case the site that is pushing out malware is hosted with us, please submit a ticket to the Hosting – Legal and Abuse department so that the issue is resolved as soon as possible.
Trademark infringement: In case a domain that is registered with GoldenHost contains a word or a combination of words that you have the trademark rights to, please submit a ticket to Domains – Legal and Abuse department for all further assistance to resolve this matter. You can also get in touch with the owner of the domain directly using any Whois tool and finding the contact details of the owner of the domain.
Invalid Whois details: If you find the contact information of any particular domain (registered with GoldenHost) not to be genuine and authentic, please submit a ticket to the Domains – Abuse department.
If the contact details that are associated with the domain in question are not yours or not the ones that you control, please report them by attaching the documents confirming your identity along with the ticket.
These documents can include any colored photograph of a government-issued identity that could include your passport or your driving license, or it could be any utility bill that has your name and address on it.
Please keep in mind that issues reviewed by the Legal and Abuse department can be resolved only by submitting a ticket, as most cases need a more detailed investigation than what the Live Chat operators have access to.
When reporting anything, if you wish to provide further details on the issue along with any queries that you might have regarding the issue, please continue the conversation through the open ticket. The response time for any ticket is typically 2 hours. This does not mean that the issue will be resolved in two hours.
It only means that the issue will be brought to our notice within the said time frame. The resolution of the ticket will depend on the case and the type of the issue. If it is a major issue, it may take us quite some time to resolve it.
We will always appreciate your patience and action in reporting any issue. It helps us make the internet a better place.
If you do not wish to go through the ticket, you can also send an email to [email protected] directly, referring to the issue and giving all the details of the problem within the email.